Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Benefits Of A 72 Hour Survival Kit

By Tammie Caldwell

Life is the most amazing thing on earth. Biologists have made numerous attempts to understand and recreate it but all their efforts have so far been in vain. This is due to the fact that only God reserves the right to create and give life. No human can effectively accomplish this. The importance of a 72 hour survival kit is felt during times of emergency.

There are so many characteristics that set living things aside from others. These are also the same things that prove to challenge human beings everyday of our lives. Due to our delicate and sensitive nature, we have very needs and requirements to be able to live well. These needs are divided into the primary and the tertiary ones. The basic ones are those that one cannot go for long without having. These usually get priority when one is fulfilling their needs.

Number one on this list is the need for food. Food is very essential in the body. The human body is basically made of the substances that we eat. It is therefore in this essence very crucial that every person makes an attempt to eat healthy food at all times. This will facilitate for both higher energy levels in the body and also proper health at all times.

In the past people had one similar dress code for all functions and this was the use of a hide to cover the private parts. Recently numerous fashions and designs have been introduced that a person would get consumed on which of the many styles they should use. Nowadays clothes have been designed for every occasion and weather too. This has led to the complete evolution of the clothing industry.

Accommodation is very paramount as well. Every person should have a place where they can lay back and enjoy some relaxation during the hours of night. Getting ample rest is very important in ensuring that the person will wake up early enough for work the next day. Rest revitalizes the body and enables it to create new energies for the coming day full of challenges.

Other people prefer to construct their own houses. This is the best option when it comes to housing. It is however a very expensive and complicated choice. The person will have to make numerous preparations very early in time. The preparations include the resources to be used, the place where the house will be set and many others. These are all very crucial aspects in home construction.

Medical care is another very important human need. The world right now is facing a very big problem of disease out breaks. These diseases are so deadly that they kill several people each day. In order for a person to eschew this problem, they need to receive medication from the doctors in time before they worsen.

There are times however, when a person cannot access the medical personnel. It also happens that a person require quick first aid before treatment. These are the times that call for the use of the survival kit usually. This kit is designed to contain most of the basic medications for first aid purposes.

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