Tuesday, May 26, 2015

First Aid Suvival Kit Decisions

By Tammie Caldwell

The matter of health care and safety is never a trendy issue especially when it comes to personal enjoyment or job related mishaps. The more quickly an injury receives the attention it needs, the better the chances of recovery and a fully prepared First Aid suvival kit offers this assurance. Let's consider a few situations where it is important to be ready for any occurrence.

Home is where the statistics state that the majority of accidents occur. From mowing lawns to cleaning gutters and trimming trees, the setting is perfect for an accident to happen. Even the main room of the family is not exempt from kitchen mishaps where someone gets burned or cuts themselves while preparing vegetables and other foods.

Recently, the art of survival became more than a computer game with many people planning to go "Off Grid" and become wholly self-sufficient. Along with braving the elements to hike and camp in the wilderness, it is vital to have emergency medical supplies on hand. It could take days for rescue to arrive when the victim is at the bottom of a cliff hundreds of feet from the top.

The military knows how important it is to have medical attention available for the soldiers. However, not all injuries occur on the battlefield and need at least the minimum attention. Cleaning agents and wide bandaging come in handy for preventing septic conditions when a gaping wound needs closed without needle and thread.

Typical emergencies while traveling to and from work or school are not always life threatening but still need a supply of items to help tend the wounds. A travel kit even includes roadside flares to warn other vehicles there is a downed situation. It is also a good idea to keep a sleeping bad, or another type of blanket, in the vehicle to help prevent shock.

The corporate world is not free from accidents, and their break rooms are often used as temporary infirmaries until the ambulance arrives. Even paper cuts lead to infection if not attended promptly. Bandages, alcohol, and other topical applications provide comfort and protection from future complications, and the employee is back on the job with little time lost.

Emergency situations happen everywhere, even at funerals and weddings. People faint, twist their ankles, and skin their knees when they miss one of the steps leading down out of the chapel. It is a good idea to have an emergency kit that prepared for everything from a bruised elbow to a finger cut. After all, brides and their party even rip off fingernails in the rush to make it down the aisle on time.

Being prepared is a smart way of life, but too many people wait until it is too late and wish they had brought along even the least of medical products. These are items that take up very little space and often make all the difference in stabilizing a victim until professionals arrive. When choosing the items for your emergency kits, be sure to include items that tend cuts, bruises, sprains, unconscious victims, and headaches.

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