Monday, October 27, 2014

Atlanta Squirrel Removal Can Solve The Problem If They Invade Your Attic

By Dave L. Weglin

A few squirrels out in the back yard are kind of cute. True, they chomp on your garden produce and steal the birdseed from the bird feeder. But, they look cute with their long bushy tails blowing in the wind as they run across the electrical wires high off the ground. If they become a serious problem, Atlanta squirrel removal will be a necessity.

Dark gray fur on his back and light gray fur on his stomach gave him the name, gray squirrel. Of course, some differences in color can occur in the species. Occasionally one is born with black fur or as an albino with all white fur.

They are capable of swimming. Their tail is used as a rudder when they are in the water. They have four strong front teeth that can chew wood like a beaver. The teeth are worn down and continue to grow throughout their lives.

They live for about five years ordinarily. If they are in captivity, they can live for up to twenty years. Natural predators are hawks, owls, raccoons and feral cats.

When squirrels invade your attic you will hear them scratching around at night. It poses a risk from the diseases they may carry. It is a situation that should be remedied by a professional removal service. First an inspection is done. Then a plan for removal is set up.

The usual procedure is to set live traps, capture them and take them to a wildlife area. A thorough clean-up must be done after they are all out of the attic. Finally, steps are taken to keep them from invading the attic again.

Due to the fact that they leave pheromone scent wherever they go, your attic will now attract more squirrels. Vents and cracks must be sealed. The chimney can be squirrel-proofed by covering it with a strong screen.

The health of you and your family is at stake. Urine and droppings not only smell bad, but can be harmful. Another danger is the fact that they carry parasites.

So, if scratching noises disturb your sleep, it may be squirrels scampering about in your attic. Other rodents may be up there as well. It is possible for several species to inhabit the same area.

A pest-removal service can take care of all the critters. They have motion activated cameras that can identify them. Each species is dealt with differently.

The squirrels find it easy to get into your attic. The experts will clear them out for you. Any homeowner should have a house free of rodents. The only living things in the home should be the family members and the family pet.

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