Saturday, July 19, 2014

Crazy Cat Lady In New York

By Monique Potts

Emma Smith was a very unusual person who never seemed to get along with other human beings living on the planet. She was a crazy cat lady since her only friends were the cats who seemed to have no where else to live. Emma gave them all a good home. She could not see herself denying any of these creatures a place to live or a great meal. Whenever they needed food or milk this kind woman would always provide them with these items.

She had become very friendly towards one feline and named him Henry. He was a beautiful creature that had dark fur and deep blue eyes. Henry would follow Emma wherever she would go and one year he even joined her on a cruise ship. The two of them had so much fun on this adventure and they were quite sad when the trip was finally over. They had to return to their large house in upstate New York.

All of the other cats at this house were quite jealous about the relationship between their mistress and Henry. Many of the other kittens wanted to go on a magnificent cruise ship for a few days but they were overlooked for certain reasons. In order to make the rest of these felines happy Emma had to prepare a special meal for them all once she returned home.

They were all given a tasty meal which was quite satisfying in every possible way. Unfortunately for Henry a rare tom had appeared in Emma's yard one day and he was quite charming. She had a severe crush on this animal right away and invited him to stay with her and the rest of the group.

She introduced the new feline to every other animal that was living inside this house. The old woman decided to give this particular feline an unusual name. She formally introduced him as Orson. This name suited him quite well since he favored her favorite actor Orson Welles.

This new feline fit right into the household since Miss Emma adored him so very much. Henry had to give up his living space within her room since Orson was now going to reside there. She changed the name on Henry's mat which made this animal very upset.

Henry felt that he and his mistress had a special relationship that no one could touch. This angry feline hated the idea of sleeping within the same room as other cats. He looked down on each one of them and thought of himself as a human being. All through the night Henry dreamed about getting even with his hateful old mistress who had betrayed him.

After thinking about the situation for quite some time Henry decided to leave this household once and for all. He was a smart feline and knew that an act of revenge would never fully satisfy him. During the night Henry made his way out of the house and headed towards the road. To this day this old woman is sill living with her cats but she has also dumped Orson.

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