Thursday, October 6, 2016

What To Consider When Buying A Pool Heater

By Michael Bell

There are certain months, usually during winter season when the temperature of the water in swimming pools goes so low to become unbearable. That makes it necessary to have the water heated to raise the temperatures and make them comfortable for using the facility. Although heating the water is necessary, it is not a cheap affair. It takes time and a lot go fuel to do so, especially for pools that are big in size.

For that reason, one should exercise some level of caution when they are selecting a heating system for their spa or swimming pool. The heating is usually done using a device referred to as a pool heater. One can make save a lot in terms of monthly fuel expenditure by making the right choice of device. This article contains some useful information on what one needs to consider when making a purchase of this device.

Most pool heating systems in existence currently use propane, natural gas, electrical power, or solar energy to do the heating. The kind of fuel a device uses is usually dependent on the size of the structure and the place it is located. Wood-fired models of heating systems are also in existence, but they are not as common. Wood-fired models are not as convenient when compared to the other kinds of heaters either.

Comparable cost per unit of fuel, fuel availability, fuel economy, and emissions are some of the major factors to keep in mind when buying. One should conduct a model comparison first. During the model comparison, one should account for maintenance costs and installation charges.

One should have the intended usage of the device in mind before buying a heating system because different models have different uses. Since different models of heaters use different fuel types, they also vary in cost, heating times, capacity, and capability. When one knows the exact usage, they can narrow their choice to a short list.

Most homeowners usually opt for solar heaters because they offer certain advantages that cannot be found in other models. First, solar heaters are very quiet, producing no noise when they are being operated. Secondly, these models cost almost nothing to operate. However, the use of solar heaters is only limited to areas that receive a given amount of sunlight in a day. The climate needs to be sunny for the device to work best.

The functionality of the device model one acquires should be proven. One of the ways to ensure that only the best model is purchased is to ask for referrals from people with heating systems on their property. This could be friends, relatives, or neighbors. Factors to consider before a purchase is made include maintenance cost and fuel consumption in the device.

One should ensure that the device they purchase has a warranty of not less than one year. This way, one is protected from system malfunctions that come too soon than expected. It is likely that one will enter into agreements with the vendor regarding the purchase, installation, and maintenance. Such agreements should be in writing.

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