Saturday, December 20, 2014

Guide To TICA Ragdoll Breeders

By Stacey Burt

In domestic animals, race is a taxonomic rank below the species. The races are distinguished for the purpose of breeding and selection. There is talk of cattle breeds, dog or goat. The term is more commercial than scientific coloring an animal of "race" is simply a higher price, arguing the qualities of its subgroup (TICA ragdoll breeders).

The pet is sometimes considered a separate species, however, the tendency is to classify it as a sub-species of wildlife species: the dog canis familiaris from canis lupus familiaris to. Under this classification, all dogs of all sizes and breeds from around the world is equated with a geographical subspecies as arctic wolf: Canis lupus arctos.Conversely, some breeds of domestic animals can be from several subspecies, such as the African zebu zebu from India and beef, or even several species like some pig breeds from Sus scrofa and Sus celebensis. In plants it uses the terms of cultivated varieties or cultivars.

A 2006 Decree on the identification and genetic improvement of animals, in its section on "management of animal genetic resources", defines race as an "agreement" between herders ("race: a set of animals has enough in common to be considered homogeneous by one or more groups of farmers who agree on the organization of renewal of breeders and induced trade, including at international level. "

For natural species, subspecies or terms population (divergence and the group considered) are used. The use of biological criteria claiming define different human "races" within human species raises ethical questions and the subject of much controversy. This topic will not be developed here, but in article "human race".

It is the interaction of genotype and environment that determines the phenotype. In some simple cases, genes are expressed in a visible, such as peas studied by Mendel, which can be smooth or wrinkled, or fruit flies (flies studied by Morgan, Nobel Prize in 1933), whose eyes may be red or white, as a specific gene. In both cases, so we can clearly define races (the term variety is more frequent use in case of plants)

These subdivisions are quite risky and complex; it is not uncommon to see them challenged on the basis of greater or lesser importance given to a discriminating character. In addition, the interfertility for cross breeding between the two subspecies, the choice to classify an individual in a particular group can be completely arbitrary.

For animal species used in breeding or plant species cultivated for food, industrial, ornamental, the selection pressure exerted by the man leads to greater homogeneity (relative to genes governing the desired phenotypes) of population and correspondingly to a loss of genetic diversity, which weakens vis-a-vis population aggression of any kind, such as disease. Commercial requirements lead to many standard set of breeds or varieties corresponding to different needs; well, animals or plants which do not correspond to standard of a race (or variety) are not involved in reproduction. The microorganisms used in industry have also been long since similar selections (eg yeast).

It usually has the original condition, animal spawners to be in this race. This condition is not required for rearing ornamental chickens. When this condition is applied, the breed is genetically isolated, though this isolation may be recent, and sometimes provides for regular or special derogations. When it comes to a race of production, these criteria are usually combined with the performance, which is crucial general. In previous cases, race is a set of animals objectively homogeneous appearance and origin, though it is added development objectives of this homogeneity in one case, and performance improvement or various characters in other.

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